Homemade Lavender Coffee Syrup (plus a DIY latte!)

syrup and lavender buds in jars

Yes, lavender in your coffee.

Seems odd that something so light and florally would pair well with coffee, but it does. It just works (and according to my husband, it’ll probably work in tea, too). If you don’t believe me, then you’ve gotta try it yourself! It’s stupid easy to make, and I’m gonna show you how to craft a homemade latte.

So forget that Starbucks does’t offer this wonder-in-a-cup drink. You don’t need no stinking Starbucks. But to make your own lavender syrup, you DO need the following (original recipe via A Beautiful Mess):

  • 1/2 C brown sugar
  • 1/2 C granulated sugar*
  • 1 C water
  • 1 Tbs lavender buds**
  • Fine mesh strainer

Yields 1 C. of syrup.

*The original recipe calls for brown sugar only, but your syrup will be thicker and have a deeper flavor if you use half brown and half granulated.

**I bought 3 Tbs of lavender buds from Central Market’s bulk section for 60 cents. It’s basically free, people.

bag of lavender buds

bag and jar of lavender buds

bird's eye view of lavender buds in jar

1. Simmer the sugars, water, and lavender buds in a small sauce pan for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.

It’s done when the sugar is dissolved and the liquid feels like a thinner version of maple syrup between your fingers.

lavender buds floating in sauce pan

pot of simmer liquids

2. Pour the liquid through a fine mesh strainer, and discard the lavender buds. At this point, they’ve seen better days.

fine mesh strainer

lavender buds in strainer over contained liquid

3. Let the syrup cool, and store in an air-tight container. I’m unsure of the syrup’s shelf-life. Some recipes say a month, others say six months. This is my first time making syrups, so I can’t help ya there.

three bottles of syrup

two bottles of syrup

one bottle of syrup with lavender buds

See? Easy peasy. Now put that syrup to use:

DIY Lavender Latte

You need—

  • strong coffee or espresso (I use coffee)
  • approx. 1/4 C half and half
  • 1 tsp. (or to taste) lavender coffee syrup
  • aerolatte milk frother (immersion blender works too, but I recommend you invest in the milk frother)
  • medium size mug
  1. Heat the half and half in microwave for approx. 45 seconds or until hot.
  2. Froth the half and half for 45-60 seconds.
  3. Grab your mug and assemble the latte in this order: syrup, coffee, half and half (when you pour the half and half, hold back the foam with a spoon; then top off the latte with the foam).

Booyah. Homemade lavender latte. You’re welcome.

Got any DIY coffee or syrup recipes you wanna share? Leave me a comment! I’d love to see how others make theirs. 🙂


9 thoughts on “Homemade Lavender Coffee Syrup (plus a DIY latte!)

    • If she likes lavender and coffee, then’ll she’ll love lavender IN her coffee. 🙂 I made my sister a lavender latte when she was here at Christmas, and twice she commented on how well these two flavors mesh. Thanks for sharing the post! Oh, by the way, Amazon sells lavender buds if you can’t find any locally.

  1. I got some lavender syrup as a gift from a friend who went to France, and I loved it! I used it for cocktails and for Italian Sodas. Unfortunately I went through it way too fast! So I came here to find a recipe to make my own. I will make it tonight, but I have to say I never would have thought to put it in coffee. I had a teaspoon of the French stuff left and I added it to my coffee today…it was AMAZING! Thanks so much for the suggestion, that will be my go-to from now on when I want a special treat! Can’t wait to make the syrup myself.

    • Hi, Ina!! I love re-creating specialty items. So glad you liked the lavender in the coffe. 🙂 I hope the recipe turned out well for you. Thanks for stopping by and for the comment. Lets stay connected! I’ve moved to a new site: http://www.thesarahlinden.com. Feel free to stop by!

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